FootStock 2006 - Results!
Barefoot ski Tournamentsfootstocker writes "Congratulations Chris VanZeeland 2006 Footstock Open Champion!
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CLICK HERE for the Footstock Video!Open
1. Chris VanZeeland
2. Paul Stokes
3. Aaron Schoelzel
4. Tony Buanaiuto
5. Keith St. Onge
6. Scott Reed
7. Cody Heller
8. John Hill
9. Rob Christensen
10. Kevin Mcgregor
11. Russ Swallish
12. Ryan Mason
13. Brad Bretl
14. Luke Bruckner
15. John Debelak
16. Brian Lequia

Seniors (40 and over)

1. John Debelak
2. Mike Netzer
3. Bob Mahnke
4. Dan Cardinal


1. Shannon Heller
2. Katie Frank
3. Jenny Maloney
4. Dawn Schueller


1. Jamie Kumlein
2. Casey Roser
3. Walker Judd
4. Greg Fatla

Congrats to all Footstockers on another great year."
Posted on Monday, August 28, 2006 @ 20:57:02 EDT by milla