Finally, winter seems to be coming to an end, at least in the mid-west. For most of us it has been a long, cold and snowy winter. As the winter winds down we can start thinking about getting our boats out, dusting off our suits, and conditioning our feet, body and soul for the quick approaching season.
As many already know, the “Figure-8 barefoot series” from last year has been renamed and now is called the “WBC Figure-8 barefoot series”. The World Barefoot Center has graciously sponsored the series with $4,000 in cash to the top 3 footers in the series, and $1,000 in gift certificates to be used at the WBC pro-shop for the top 5 footers in the series. The series sites will remain the same; the dates are what have changed.
Click the Read More link below for the rest of the story
As winter comes to an end, we all can start letting our feet thaw and begin to heat them up for another race season. There will soon be a conference call generated by Team Top Gun and we will begin to plan out the race season sites and dates.
Click Image
Thus far, we have some dates and locations. On August 13th in Maumee, OH the Buckethead Barefoot Endurance Race will be held. This race has, at this time, a 12 boat maximum so, if there are teams out there interested, please register early, as spots will go quickly. We will also have the Mississippi River Challenge on September 17th in Lake St. Louis, MO, The Stewart Bieber Memorial Barefoot Endurance Challenge on October 1st in Montgomery, AL, and then on November 6th we round the season out with the Dam to Dam in Austin, TX. As the year progresses, there will phone numbers and email addresses for the site organizers available for questions and early registration. Please check barefoot ski dot com's 2011 Barefoot Racing Schedule for the latest dates, locations and contact info for each event.
Click the Read More link below for the rest of the story
Congratulations to David Small (GBR) and Elaine Heller (USA), the Male and Female recipients of the 2010 Barefoot Athlete of the Year awards.
David Small set two new World Trick records during the 2010 Season. At the World Championships he took home two Gold medals (Overall and Jump) and set a new World Jump record of 29.9M - an amazing 2.5M above the previous mark he set in 2004
Elaine Heller took home FOUR Gold medals from the 2010 World Championships (Overall, Slalom, Jump and Team Overall). On her way to becoming the World Jump Champion she set a new World Record of 21M eclipsing the 10 year old mark of 20.6M
*Click the photos for a complete listing of the great achievements these athletes had over the 2010 season
Both of these Athletes are now eligible for the "Overall" IWWF Athlete of the Year Award that encompasses all IWWF disciplines (Water Ski, Wakeboard, Barefoot, Cable, Adaptive).
Posted by admin on Tuesday, March 08, 2011 @ 16:56:20 EST (3878 reads)